KIFEE-8 symposium

Kyoto International Forum for Environment and Energy (KIFEE)

KIFEE-8 symposium

20–23 September 2015

Welcome to the 8th KIFEE symposium in Trondheim, Norway


We cordially invite you to participate at the 8th Kyoto International forum for energy and environment symposium (KIFEE-8) to be held in Trondheim, Norway, September 20-23, 2015.

The symposium is a continuation of the KIFEE symposia arranged in Japan and Norway; the previous one (KIFEE-7) in Kyoto, Japan in March, 2014.

We cordially invite you to participate at the 8th Kyoto International forum for energy and environment symposium (KIFEE-8) to be held in Trondheim, Norway, September 20-23, 2015.

The KIFEE symposium provides a forum for scientists and engineers to discuss and exchange recent advances in the fields of environment, energy and materials, as well as education in these areas.

The KIFEE Symposium is an important strategic event for NTNU, and we would like to have many participants in the plenary strategic sessions and also in the workshops. In the previous symposia there were around 40 participants from the visiting country and around 100 participants from the host country.

Photos from KIFEE-8

Symposium Programme for KIFEE-8


Symposium topics

Plenary sessions (strategic)

The strategic plenary sessions focus on the science and technology related to sustainability, energy, materials and biomaterials, as well as education, mobility, and research collaboration between Japan and Norway

Confirmed plenary lectures

  • Olav Bjarte Fosso. Strategic Area Energy, NTNU
  • Shigero Niki (AIST/FREA)
  • Kei M. Igarashi. Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, NTNU (The Nobel Prize winning Moser laboratory)
  • Bjørn Chr. Hauback. Institutt for energiteknikk (IFE)
  • Per Chr. Lund (DNVGL)
  • Jon Funderud (Seaweed Energy Solutions)
  • Sabrina Sartori. University of Oslo (UiO)
  • Anne Karin Hemmingsen (SINTEF Energy)
  • Hitoshi Yamamoto (KRI)
  • Yasushige Mori (Doshisha University)



The 4 parallel workshops address specific research topics related to the areas. They consist of lectures and poster presentation, as well as discussions related to future research collaborations.

  1. Process Engineering
  2. Electrolysis Systems and Advanced Inorganic Materials
  3. Advanced Biological Materials
  4. Education in Environment and Energy

Do you wish to give a presentation at one of the workshops?

Please contact the contact persons (in Japan or Norway) for each area listed on the main page (Conference and workshop organizers). The final workshop programs will be availabe at the KIFEE-8 conference itself.



Map over the KIFEE-8 symposium area


Climate Change Essay Competition

About the competition (PDF)

Essays - English translation (PDF)


Post symposium events

On Thursday 24th September we organise two side events

  1. A visit to the company SES, Trondheim. This is restricted to some of the participants attending the Advanced Biological Materials workshop. The number of participants is restricted to ca. 10. Please contact the organisers for more information and for indicating interest in joining the event.
  2. The groups associated with KIFEE that are located in the Oslo area (IFE, University of Oslo, SINTEF Oslo) organise a 1.5 day symposium for the KIFEE participants. Participants must themselves book flights from Trondheim to Oslo, as well as booking hotels in Oslo. Detailed program (PDF)



Main building at NTNUMain building at NTNU. Photo: Gunnar K. Hansen/NTNU

Contact information (LG-N)

Contact information (LG-N)

Bjørn E. Christensen (Chairman)
Email: bjorn.e.christensen(at)

NTNU's Japan programme

NTNU's Japan programme

You are invited to the NTNU Japan Seminar, held at NTNU the day after KIFEE-8 concludes: “Japanese and Norwegian Approaches to Sustainability in Energy”. For Registration (which is free) and more details follow the link below

Welcome to NTNU's Japan Program Homepage