

Vitark – Acta Archaelogica Nidrosiensia is an archaeological scientific series published by the Department of Archaeology and Cultural History at the NTNU University Museum.

Vitark aims to present new Norwegian and Nordic research and insight into archaeological problems.

Vitark publishes article collections based on national and international seminars, anthologies, monographs and scientific presentations of selected excavation projects at the Section.

The series is published at level 1 according to the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions' standard for scientific publications. The editors of the series should primarily be scientific staff members connected to the museum. The writers should be Norwegian or international, and less closely attached to the institution. The individual editions include contributions in Scandinavian languages or English. Every contribution is subject to peer review.

Vitark is available for purchase at Akademika and Museumsforlaget


Vitark no 9