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This conference was initiated by Prof. Murugan and the first event took place in the Bay of Bengal in honor of Prof. Weppnerꞌs 75th birthday with the objective to share and discuss cutting-edge research and to collectively establish near and long-term visions for research in the field of solid-state battery technology. Since then, this conference takes place every 2 years worldwide. After successful events in India, Japan, and USA this conference will now take place in Tromsø, Norway. Including invited speakers, we expect around 150 delegates at this event.
Call for Abstracts
We are accepting abstracts in the areas of:
- Transport in solid-state batteries
- Interfaces in solid-state batteries w/wo a drop of liquid
- Synthesis and processing of solid electrolytes
- Cell design, manufacturing, assembly, and testing
- Scaling of solid-state batteries
- Advanced Characterization and modelling
Abstract submission:
Submission for poster presentations are open until all spots are filled.
The abstract submission is open for all.
Dear presenters at the World Conference on Solid Electrolytes for Advanced Applications: Garnets and Competitors,we are glad to announce the possibility for you to publish your conference contributions in a virtual Special Issue of the journal Ionics.
You are invited to submit original research or review articles via the journal submission system https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ionics, indicating that the manuscript is intended for this special issue.
The special issue will be open for submissions during the period November 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024.
The journal's aims and scope and the submission guidelines for authors are given on the journal's homepage at https://www.springer.com/journal/11581.
If you would like to contribute to this Special Issue, please contact Daniel Rettenwander at daniel.rettenwander@ntnu.no to receive further instructions.
Looking forward to your contributions!
Best regards,
Prof. Daniel Rettenwander
Prof. Daniel Rettenwander
supported by Prof. Weppner and Prof. Murugan