10 Grammar - LearnNoW
10 Grammar
10 Grammar
sin - si - sitt - sine
In Chapter 9 you were introduced to the possessives - the different forms of min (my/mine), din (your/yours singular) and vår (our/ours) and hans (his), hennes (her/hers) and deres (your/yours plural + their/theirs).
In the 3. person singular and plural, however, there is a reflexive possessive, sin. It is used when the subject of the sentence owns the object, and the other form is used when the subject does not own the object:
Sissel ringer tannlegen sin. Sissel calls her (own) dentist. |
Sissels tannlege |
Sissel ringer tannlegen hennes. Sissel calls her dentist. |
Cecilies tannlege |
The reflexive possessive agrees in gender and number with the owned noun, where sin is the masculine singular form, si the feminine singular, sitt the neuter singular form and sine the plural form.
Owner | Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | Plural |
I | faren min my father |
mora mi my mother |
huset mitt my house |
bøkene mine my books |
you | faren din your father |
mora di your mother |
huset ditt your house |
bøkene dine your books |
he | faren hans his father faren sin his (own) father |
mora hans his mother mora si his (own) mother |
huset hans his house huset sitt his (own) house |
bøkene hans his books bøkene sine his (own) books |
she | faren hennes her father faren sin her (own) father |
mora hennes her mother mora si her (own) mother |
huset hennes her house huset sitt her (own) house |
bøkene hennes her books bøkene sine her (own) books |
we | faren vår our father |
mora vår our mother |
huset vårt our house |
bøkene våre our books |
you | faren deres your father |
mora deres your mother |
huset deres your house |
bøkene deres your books |
they | faren deres their father faren sin their (own) father |
mora deres their mother mora si their (own) mother |
huset deres their house huset sitt their (own) house |
bøkene deres their books bøkene sine their (own) books |
Other examples:
Sissel kikker inn i munnen sin. Sissel looks into her (own) mouth. |
Sissels munn |
Sissel kikker inn i munnen hennes. Sissel looks into her mouth. |
Cecilies munn |
Sissel sitter ved skrivebordet sitt. Sissel sits at her (own) desk. |
Sissels skrivebord |
Sissel har vondt i tanna si. Sissel has a pain in her (own) tooth. |
Sissels tann |
Sissel peker på en av tennene sine. Sissel points at one of her (own) teeth. |
Sissels tenner |
Note that sin - si - sitt - sine can't be used in the subject:
Subject | Verb | Object | |
Tannlegen hennes | kan hjelpe | henne. | Her dentist can help her. |
Subject | Verb | Object | |
Hun | får | hjelp av tannlegen sin. | She gets help from her dentist. |
The main pattern for comparison is the following:
Positive | Comparative + enn (than) |
Superlative | |
fin | finere | finest | fine - finer - finest |
kald | kaldere | kaldest | cold - colder - coldest |
varm | varmere | varmest | warm - warmer - warmest |
Vinteren er kald i Fjordvik. | The winter is cold in Fjordvik. |
Vinteren er kaldere i Fjordvik enn i Paris. | The winter is colder in Fjordvik than in Paris. |
Vinteren er kaldest i Sibir. | The winter is coldest in Siberia. |
1) Adjectives ending in -(l)ig and -som take only -st in the superlative form:
Positive | Comparative + enn (than) |
Superlative | |
billig | billigere | billigst | cheap |
hyggelig | hyggeligere | hyggeligst | nice |
morsom | morsommere | morsomst | amusing/funny |
2) An -e disappears in the comparative and superlative form when the adjectives end in -el, -en and -er:
Positive | Comparative + enn (than) |
Superlative | |
travel | travlere | travlest | busy |
moden | modnere | modnest | ripe, mature |
vakker | vakrere | vakrest | beautiful |
3) Many adjectives ending in -sk and adjectives ending in -e are compared with mer (more) and mest (most).
Adjectives from the present perfect (example: berømt) and several long words and some foreign words are also compared in the same way:
Positive | Comparative + enn (than) |
Superlative | |
praktisk | mer praktisk | mest praktisk | practical |
moderne | mer moderne | mest moderne | modern |
berømt | mer berømt | mest berømt | famous |
interessant | mer interessant | mest interessant | interesting |
absurd | mer absurd | mest absurd | absurd |
Irregular comparative and superlative
Positive | Comparative + enn (than) |
Superlative | |
gammel | eldre | eldst | old |
god/bra | bedre | best | good |
ille | verre | verst | bad |
lang | lengre | lengst | long |
liten | mindre | minst | small |
stor | større | størst | big |
tung | tyngre | tyngst | heavy |
ung | yngre | yngst | young |
mange | flere | flest | many |
mye | mer | mest | much |
Cecilie er ung. Cecilie is young. |
Dina er yngre enn Cecilie. Dina is younger than Cecilie. |
Alex er yngst. Alex is (the) youngest. |
Note the following:
1) The comparative form is invariable. The gender of the noun and the number (singular or plural) does not matter:
Dina er yngre enn Cecilie. |
Alex er yngre enn Dina. |
Alex og Dina er yngre enn Cecilie. |
2) When the superlative form is placed in front of a definite noun the adjectives end in -e. In addition, the definite articles den, det and de, which agree in gender and number with the noun, are required (see also Adjectives, the double definite construction, Chapter 8):
den yngste jenta the youngest girl |
det fineste huset the nicest house |
de beste bøkene the best books |
3) When the superlative form appears as predicate after verbs like å være (to be), we can use the indefinite or the definite form of the superlative:
Alex er yngst i familien. Alex er den yngste i familien. Alex is (the) youngest in the family. |
4) We use the superlative form when we compare two items:
Hvem er eldst/den eldste, Dina eller Alex? Who is the older, Dina or Alex? |
Hvilken jakke er billigst/den billigste, den røde eller den svarte? Which jacket is cheaper, the red or the black one? |
Hvilken by er størst/den største, Trondheim eller Oslo? Which city is bigger, Trondheim or Oslo? |
An adverb describes a verb, whereas an adjective describes a noun or a pronoun. We form an adverb by using the neuter form of an adjective:
Alex puster tungt. | Alex breathes heavily. |
Alex snakker høyt. | Alex speaks loudly. |
Time expressions
A lot of time expressions are formed together with prepositions. Below you are presented with some of these expressions:
The preposition I is used
a) in front of years, months, holidays and other expressions regarding time:
i 2009, i oktober, i jula (for/during Christmas), |
(i) neste uke (next week), i kveld (tonight), i morgen (tomorrow). |
b) in front of seasons. The season you refer to is a specific one, and the tense of the verb will indicate whether you refer to the present season, to the coming season or to the last season. Note that we use the indefinite form of the noun (the season):
Ben går på norskkurs i høst. | Ben takes a Norwegian course this autumn. |
Ken skal studere psykologi i høst. | Ken is going to study psychology this autumn. |
I høst dro studentene på hyttetur. | This autumn the students went on a cabin trip. |
c) in front of periods of time:
Anna har bodd i Norge i tre måneder. | Anna has lived in Norway for three months. |
Hun skal være her i to år. | She is going to stay here for two years. |
The preposition OM is used
a) in front of seasons and other periods of time when the periods are repeated. Note the definite form of the noun:
Ola liker å bade om sommeren. | Ola likes to go for a swim in the summer. |
Om kvelden ser Ken på TV. | In the evening, Ken watches TV. |
b) to express future:
De skal reise på tur om to dager. | They are going on a trip in two days. |
Kurset begynner om 15 minutter. | The course starts in 15 minutes. |
For _ siden
We use the discontinuous preposition for _ siden to express ago:
De flyttet hit for tre måneder siden. | They moved here three months ago. |
The preposition PÅ
Together with weekdays we use på:
Bussen drar klokka 16.00 på søndag. | The bus leaves at 4 pm on Sunday. |
Maria er på Dragvoll på fredager. | Maria is at Dragvoll on Fridays. |
All the verbs synes, tro and tenke mean «to think», but they are used in different contexts.
Synes is used about a subjective meaning. It can also be translated with «to find» in English:
Hun synes at det er interessant. | She thinks it is interesting. / She finds it interesting. |
Notice that synes ends in -s in all forms: å synes – synes – syntes – har syntes. You can find more verbs like this in Chapter 12.
Tro is used when you are insecure about facts. It can also be translated with «to believe» in English:
Jeg tror at London er større enn Oslo. | I think/believe London is bigger than Oslo. |
Tenke refers to the cognitive process of thinking:
Alex tenker på katten. | Alex is thinking about the cat. |