NTNU - Department of Language and Literature - VOCLEX - VOCabulary and the multilingual mental LEXicon
VOCLEX - VOCabulary and the multilingual mental LEXicon
VOCLEX (VOCabulary and the multilingual mental LEXicon) is a group focused on vocabulary research (both in first and second languages), including vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary comprehension and production, the mental lexicon, and vocabulary use in society.
Our members research vocabulary-related topics across various languages, including English, French, Spanish, and German. Our focus is on discussing ongoing projects and relevant research, and sharing experiences and expertise related to vocabulary testing and research design, including developing and sharing results from our own research.
The group is currently working on a project investigating language practices, attitudes, and experiences among international employees (those who did not grow up in Norway) at NTNU, including the importance of language for inclusion and career development. You can read more about the project and publications connected to the project at the project web site: Experiences of Norwegian and English among international staff at NTNU
Anja Katrine Angelsen Deputy Head of Education/Associate Professor
+47-73596782 +4798493914 anja.angelsen@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Nicole Louise Busby Associate Professor in English linguistics and language acquisition
nicole.busby@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Anne Dahl Professor, Head of Language Studies with Teacher Education
+47-73596794 anne.j.dahl@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Kjersti Faldet Listhaug Associate Professor, Vice Dean of Education
+47-73596548 +4793459083 kjersti.listhaug@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Gro Nygård Associate Professor
+47-73596510 gro.nygard@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Nelly Marie Patricia Foucher Stenkløv Associate Professor
+47-73550429 +4797628848 nelly.stenklov@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature