Research Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Research Infrastructure and Learning Resources

The Department hosts cutting-edge infrastructure for experimental research on language. The Language Acquisition and Language Processing Lab operates advanced equipment and facilities for psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics research. The Phonetics Lab (FonLab) has motion capture and phonetic equipment in addition to a recording studio.

Language testing resources

Researchers at the Department have adapted, standardized and normed language tests appropriate for different ages

In addition, a digital test for children’s phonological development which can be used by speech therapists is under development, with the aim of developing the test for different languages. The DiFonT project (Digital fonemtest, or Digital Phoneme Test) is a collaboration with TTO (NTNUs Technology Transfer Office) and the company Webstep. It is funded through NTNU Discovery.

Learning resources

Researchers at the Department have developed a number of online resources for language learning suitable for both lower and more advanced levels of language proficiency:

  • The NoW course is a Norwegian Course for beginners. Level A1-A2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). 
  • The Now2-course is based on NoW and equivalent to Level 2 in our regular Norwegian courses. Level B1/B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). 
  • The free, online multilingual pronunciation training platform CALST, the Computer-Assisted Listening and Speaking Tutor (for Norwegian dialects and English); see also TestCALST for Spanish, Greek and soon Italian; Catalan to be added next year)
  • Learn NoW, a beginners course (A1-A2) with English, Polish, Spanish, Arabic and Tigrinja as introductury languages. Ukrainian will be added.
  • Learn NoW 2 - Helsenorsk (Norwegian for health workers)
  • Norwegian for youth:  an online course created for young people with migrant background, in the age range 18 - 25. Levels A1 and B1. 
  • A free, online language comparison system called L1-L2map which contains over 500 languages (with Ukrainian added recently)