Redes II Literatura y activismo en Latinoamérica

Redes II Literatura y activismo en Latinoamérica

Segundas jornadas de estudios literarios y culturales latinoamericanos en los países nórdicos

NTNU, Trondheim, 11 a 12 de mayo de 2023

Dancing children in Cusco, Peru. Photo
Photo: Ben Ostrower/Unsplash

About Redes

Redes es una iniciativa de crear y sostener un foro amplio, descentrado y permanente en torno a los estudios literarios y culturales con foco en América Latina. El objetivo es promover el intercambio entre latinoamericanistas con base en los diferentes países nórdicos y con aquellos establecidos en América Latina, Europa en general y otras regiones del mundo.

Esta segunda convocatoria lleva el título “Activismos literarios y culturales en, desde y en relación con América Latina” y busca indagar experiencias tanto históricas como recientes y alternativas de politización de la literatura y las artes y de estetización del activismo político.

Travel and accommodation

Travel and accommodation

You may travel to Trondheim:

  • by plane. Værnes Airport (TRD) has several flights from Copenhagen, Helsinki, Amsterdam and Oslo during the day.
  • by train. Trondheim Central station is situated in the city centre, within walking distance from most of what the city has to offer.

From Trondheim airport to the city centre

Both the bus and the train stops are quite near the recommended hotels. The buses part more frequently than the train, and is therefore the fastest option.

The conference is held at NTNU's campus Dragvoll, that is located outside the city center.

The easiest way to get to the campus, is by bus. The bus drive takes aproximately 20 minutes from the city center. You can check the bus route in The AtB travel planner.

How to buy an electronic bus ticket:

From Quality Hotel Augustin:

Bus number 3 from Kongens gate K2 to Dragvoll

From Nidaros Pilgrimsgård:

Bus number 3 from Nidarosdomen to Dragvoll

From Comfort Hotel Trondheim:

Bus number 12 from Olav Tryggvasons gate 2 to Dragvoll

From Trondheim hostel:

Bus number 12 from Rønningsbakken to Dragvoll



We have reserved 20 rooms for you at Quality hotel Augustin (within the dates May 9th-13th 2023). Breakfast is included in the room price.

You must do the booking yourself either by phone or e-mail. The rooms will be released on April 10th 2023. After this the hotels cannot guarantee for available rooms or this price. Special needs, diets or a double room should be arranged contacting the hotel.

Superior room: NOK 1215,-

Quality Hotel Augustin

Phone: +47 73 54 70 00 
Booking code: 8926

We also have an agreement with Comfort Hotel Trondheim. Breakfast is included in the room price.

You must do the booking yourself either by phone or e-mail. Our conference can book until 10 rooms for the NTNU price, so if this is your choice, be quick. Special needs, diets or a double room should be arranged contacting the hotel.

Single room: NOK 1215,-

Comfort Hotel Trondheim

Phone: +47 73 58 88 88 (then pulse 2)
No booking code is needed, tell that you would like a room with “NTNU avtalepris” (NTNU’s agreed price)

Budget accommodation

Nidaros Pilgrimsgård (Close to the hotel and in the city center.)

Trondheim hostel (a 20 minutes’ walk from the city center.)



Anne Karine Kleveland (NTNU)

Andrea Castro (University of Gothenburg)

Jorge J. Locane (University of Oslo)

Michael S. Scham (NTNU)

Alissa J. Vik (NTNU)

Ysabel Muñoz (NTNU)


Mini calevent portlet


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