Formal Linguistics in the Nordic Countries (FLiNC)
Formal Linguistics in the Nordic Countries (FLiNC)
The Formal, Mental and Acquisitional Approaches to Language (ForMAAL) research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU Trondheim) welcomes you to the workshop Formal Linguistics in the Nordic Countries (FLiNC), 20-21 May 2025.
A network of linguists in the Nordic countries working in formal perspective – Formal Linguistics in the Nordic Countries, FLiNC – was launched at the workshop on microvariation and microchange in the Scandinavian languages, hosted by the Synergy group at the University of Agder in May 2024. The ForMAAL group at NTNU in Trondheim is happy to be welcoming formal linguists to a FLiNC workshop in Trondheim in May 2025.
FLiNC aims to bring together linguists in the Nordic countries who primarily focus on the form and structure of language, working within any of the subdomains of theoretical linguistics – phonology, morphology, the lexicon, syntax, semantics; as well as interfaces between these domains, and with other domains such as language acquisition, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and so on. We aim to be a forum for cutting-edge research and knowledge transfer and to further stimulate networking and collaboration between formal linguists in the Nordic countries, at any career stage and with a focus on any language(s) or language family.
Invited speakers
Sten Vikner, Aarhus University
Mikael Vinka, Umeå University
Sara Myrberg, Lund University
Call for papers
We invite submissions addressing questions within formal and theoretical linguistics, e.g. phonology, morphology, the lexicon, syntax, semantics, or topics interfacing between or with these domains. Formally-oriented work in pragmatics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition (L1 or Ln), sociolinguistics, etc. is also welcome. The work may address theoretical issues in any language(s) (i.e. not restricted to languages of the Nordic countries). Although the workshop is primarily directed towards linguists working in the Nordic countries (broadly construed), linguists working in other parts of the world are also welcome to submit.
Submit your abstract (2 pages including references, A4, 12pt Times New Roman, 2.5 cm margins).
Workshop Multilingual Processing in Psycholinguistics and Technology (MPPT)
We draw your attention to the workshop Multilingual Processing in Psycholinguistics and Technology to be held in Trondheim immediately subsequent to this workshop, May 22-23. Those interested in one of these workshops may consider extending their stay in Trondheim to attend all or part of the other workshop.
Important dates
Call for papers closes 15 January 2025
Notification of acceptance mid-February
Conference 20-21 May
Practical information and schedule
The workshop will be held in a central location in the city of Trondheim, Norway. Trondheim is well-served by flights within mainland Scandinavia and via a KLM flight from Amsterdam. More practical information, and a schedule, will be posted nearer the time of the workshop.