Unit for Social education and NAKU

Unit for Social education and NAKU

Young people showing "thumbs up"

Unit for Social education and NAKU studies a wide field of health- and welfare services and everyday life for people with different disabilities.

​​​​​Our research area include themes like participation, inclusion, self- determination and health promotion for people with disabilities. We emphasize inclusive design studies in order to involve clients/patients in the research process. We collaborate with national- and international actors within the field of disability studies.


Nasjonalt kompetansemiljø om utviklingshemming (NAKU) / National Institute on Intellectual Disability and Community

Research projects

Inkludering i høyere utdanning

11 Apr 2024

SoMe, Department of Mental Health


Unit leader

Odd Morten Mjøen
Associate Professor



Employees - Disability nurse



Department of Mental Health, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway


Olav Kyrres gate 9, MTFS del 1/south wing, 4th floor

MTFS building. Photo