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Ongoing projects and publications

To find answers to our research questions, we work interdisciplinary across professions and specializations. There is everything from professors to master's students, with backgrounds such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and movement scientists. Here you will find more about our findings, publications and further projects.


The project is organized under work package 5 (WP5) and are initiated and anchored in the municipality of Trondheim. The project is financed by the Norwegian Research Council and Trondheim municipality. NTNU are the scientific host institution for the ph.d student and the project. Start up was in August 2021 and is estimated to be finished in July 2025. The project is divided in to 75% to work with the ph.d and the remaining 25% will be allocated to work in the municipality.  

The goal with the project is to gain new knowledge of how a strengthened municipal coordination of the primary health care services affect the patients' health related quality of life, informal caregivers care load and work life participations, and patients use of healthcare services. In this context acute stroke patients are the chosen patient group, to be able to study the long-term pathway and municipal health care services after an acute loss of function. 

The first part of the study is regarding the first 3 months after stroke and the hospital discharge after. Here we will follow what kind of healthcare services people with stroke get and if this is in line with the current patient pathways. Part two of the project is performed by using data form LAST long. First, we investigate how much time informal caregivers spend on care tasks, and how this effects their own and the person with stroke, quality of life. In addition, we are going to cost effect analysis of the implementation of the stroke coordinator on the use of healthcare services and quality of life during 3-21 months after acute stroke.