Research – IMTEL
IMTEL projects
Selected on-going and past projects
- Innovation days. IMTEL research group will organize a series of innovation days and workshops in 2018-2019. The events will contribute to competence development in the VR Lab NTNU and promote cross-disciplinary research (2018-2019)
- VIRSAM: Virtual arenas in medical education, grant Norwegian Research Council FINNUT program, (2017-2020), in collaboration with MH
- Virtual workplace training in VR/AR (Virtuelle praksisplasser), grant by Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (2017-2018)
- Active Learning Module for Emergency Management Professionals using Virtual Reality, grant by Norgesuniversitetet (2016-2018)
- VRLab NTNU (building a network of VR labs across NTNU campuses, ongoing), grant by NTNU Property division
- TARGET (grant FP7 Large-scale integrating project (IP), ICT-2007.4.3: Digital Libraries and Technology-Enhanced Learning): Serious games for transformative, adaptive, responsive and engaging environment for corporate learning, (2009-2012)
- BioWaveVR, therapy with Virtual Reality and Wearable Technology, in collaboration with St. Olavs and Coperiosenteret, grant by Helse-Midt-Norge (2016-ongoing)
- CAMO: Cultural Awareness in Military Operations, Norwegian Armed Forces (2011-2012)
- Extended Realities (ER). A joint initiative to gather XR research and innovation at NTNU and SINTEF.