History Case Hub
History Case Hub
Never underestimate the power of a good story. In the field of history, we work with representation, often in narrative discourse. There is a significant potential to utilise specific narrative cases in history education. The case method places students at the centre and aims to develop their ability to scrutinize complex issues.
History Case Hub is a collaborative learning platform at the Department of Modern History and Society. We accumulate, systematise, and disseminate our experiences with case-based history teaching from various subjects and projects. We provide support for project development and the use of case-based learning for the staff at IMS.
We adapt case-based methods for student-active teaching in the classroom and online. Our target audience is history students and students from other academic backgrounds who take interdisciplinary courses with a historical foundation. Among the courses taught wholly or partly using the case method at IMS are:
We have developed several cases, which are available through open access. If you are a lecturer who would like to access teaching materials for the individual cases or have any other enquiries, please contact Espen Storli or Mats Ingulstad.
30.09.2024: Workshop: Espen Storli and Ingrid Solemdal present the application for funding for a new international master’s programme (International Master in History, Business and Politics).
01.10.2024: Mats Ingulstad and Andreas Sanders delivered the lecture “The Past’s Subject for the Future. Experiences with Case-Based Learning (CBL) in Interdisciplinary Teaching and Technology Subjects” to a full house at the Mid-Norwegian Historians’ Seminar. See the link to the programme here (in Norwegian).