Yoram Carboex
PhD-researcher in the interdisciplinary TripleDeep project. The project seeks to investigate deep sea mining from several disciplinary angles and bring this knowledge together. My own part focuses on the history and politics of deep sea mining.
I finished my (Res)MA in History at Leiden University in 2019 with a thesis on Dutch anti-apartheid activists, zooming in on solidarity activism and Global North-South connections. After finishing my MA in Leiden I was a teacher at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Maastricht University (2019-2022) in their interdisciplinary programmes, teaching courses across the humanities and social sciences.
Carboex, Yoram Jonne Lodi.
Dreams of Optimizing the Ocean: The 1970 Deepsea Ventures Mining Test and Artificial Upwelling.
Academic article
Hyldmo, Håkon Da Silva;
Carboex, Yoram.
Debatten om dypvannsgruver mangler et historisk perspektiv.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Carboex, Yoram.
To the Deep End or Out of Their Depth? The Netherlands, Deep-Sea Mining and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1967-1982).
BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review
Academic article
Carboex, Yoram.
Een verbod op diepzeemijnbouw is geen oplossing. Regulering is wel nodig.
Reader opinion piece
Journal publications
Carboex, Yoram Jonne Lodi.
Dreams of Optimizing the Ocean: The 1970 Deepsea Ventures Mining Test and Artificial Upwelling.
Academic article
Hyldmo, Håkon Da Silva;
Carboex, Yoram.
Debatten om dypvannsgruver mangler et historisk perspektiv.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Carboex, Yoram.
To the Deep End or Out of Their Depth? The Netherlands, Deep-Sea Mining and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1967-1982).
BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review
Academic article
Carboex, Yoram.
Een verbod op diepzeemijnbouw is geen oplossing. Regulering is wel nodig.
Reader opinion piece
Academic lectureCarboex, Yoram Jonne Lodi. (2024) The History of Deep-Sea Mining: Narrating (dis)continuities. Department of Modern History and Society NTNU Fate of Nations Final Workshop , Trondheim 2024-03-05 - 2024-03-06
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats; Carboex, Yoram; Sparenberg, Ole. (2023) A European Job? (Dis)integrating the European Approaches to Deep-sea Mining. University of Sevilla CIENCIAS MARÍTIMAS, MEDIOAMBIENTE Y ESTRATEGIA 2023-06-15 - 2023-06-17
Academic lectureCarboex, Yoram. (2023) To the deep end or out of our depth: Deep-sea mining in a historical context. Natural Resource Supply Chains and Competing Visions of Global Order: Future Directions for Research 2023-05-02 - 2023-05-03
LectureCarboex, Yoram. (2023) A historical perspective on the environmental concern around deep-sea mining. Norwegian University of Science and Technology Ocean Week 2023-05-03 - 2023-05-03
LectureCarboex, Yoram. (2023) The History of Environmental Concerns around Deep-Sea Mining. Norwegian University of Science and Technology TripleDeep Deep-Sea Mining Workshop , Ponta Delgada 2023-10-17 - 2023-10-18