Outreach talks
Outreach talks
Outreach talks
17.00-17.07 Torgeir Aambø - Our ties to industry
17.08-17.15 Ergys Çokaj - Why geometric integration?
17.16-17.23 Andrea Leone - A Clockwork Challenge
17.24-17.31 Martina Stavole - Industrial and mathematical challenges of a medical application
17.32-17.39 Diego Caudillo - Distinguishing between networks
17.40-17.47 Marielle Debeurre - Bob explains nonlinear dynamics: the theory of modeling flexible beam structures
17.48-17.55 Yngvild Hamre - Uplift models - a story of no success
17.56-18.03 Prithvinath Madduri - Tracking Microplastics in the Byfjorden
Elena Celledoni, NTNU
Brynjulf Owren, NTNU
James Jackaman, NTNU