Workshop: The Multicultural Classroom – The refugee-competent teacher – Research
Workshop: The Multicultural Classroom
Workshop: The Multicultural Classroom
30 November 2023 – NTNU campus Kalvskinnet
The event will mainly be held in English
09.00–09.45 Part 1 – Welcome and Framing
- Opening speech by Tine Arntzen Hestbek, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences (SU)
- Status of the project "The refugee-competent teacher", by the project group
- "The Language Portrait", by TROVO Upper Secondary School
09.45–10.00 Break with coffee and fruit
10.00–11.30 Part 2 – Workshop 1st round
The workshops run in parallel, and each workshop is run twice. Registration for the workshop will be sent to the participants prior to the conference.
Multicultural classrom program parallelle sessions
Lydrik(k), meaning “rich in sound and words”, is a cooperative project involving staff at NTNU’s Department for Teacher Education, professional artists and Rosenborg secondary school. Every year, pre-service teachers, pupils, artists and teacher educators cooperate to explore connections between music and poetry through creating songs and song lyrics, within a framework of aesthetic theory, explorative teaching methods and artistic practice. In Lydrik(k) Express you will get a hands-on experience of the project from within, by experimenting with lyrics and music yourself.
Majken Wærdahl and Seela Wanvik have worked with Fargespill (meaning Color Play) for 13 years and share in this workshop many of their very best tricks for creating community and mastery from the first hour in the classroom. What can we achieve long before we can adopt a common spoken language? How do we learn language through alternative and engaging pedagogy? The workshop will mostly be practical on the floor but conclude with a reflection and discussion at the end.
Trondheim Adult Education Centre, Upper Secondary School (TROVO) holds the workshop "Multilingualism in Practice", which is a dialogue-based workshop focusing on multilingualism in the classroom, testing of different methods and conversations with multilingual assistants from TROVO. The workshop will provide a theoretical basis for using multilingualism as a resource, as well as specific tools you can use in your multilingual classroom.
Workshop: The Multicultural Classrom program part 2
11.30–12.15 Lunch – Participants must provide lunch themselves
12.15–12.45 Part 3 – Plenary speech
"How do we prepare teachers for the multilingual classroom?" by Eivind Nessa Torgersen, Department of Teacher Education, NTNU
13.00–14.30 Part 4 – Workshop 2nd round
- Workshop 1: Lydrik(k) Xpress - Room KA-A U301
- Workshop 2: Fargespill Workshop - Room KA-AO L125
- Workshop 3: Multilingualism in Practice - Room KA-A U202
14.30–14.45 Break with coffee and waffle
14.45–15.30 Part 5 – Plenary summary and concluding remarks
- “Professionalization of the refugee-competent teacher” by Siri Denstad Langlo, Union of Education Norway, Trøndelag
- Concluding remarks by Rosita Deluigi, University of Macerata
Sound rich(k)
Lydrik(k), meaning “rich in sound and words”, is a cooperative project involving staff at NTNU’s Department for Teacher Education, professional artists and Rosenborg secondary school, where student teachers, students, professional artists and teacher educators annually explore connections between music and lyrics through song creation and work with song lyrics and music production. The work is grounded in a view that emphasizes process rather than product. Thus, the participants experience that language, text and meaning can always be negotiated. Lydrik(k) is also a project that investigates and explores approaches to multilingualism and translingualism, and the project also takes place in the cooperative school's reception class (as well as in other of the school's classes). You can read more about the project here (only in Norwegian).
Fargespill from The municipal School of Performing Arts (Kulturskolen)
Trondheim Chamber Music Festival and The municipal School of Performing Arts started Fargespill Trondheim in 2012. Fargespill Trondheim is a multicultural artistic project where more than 100 children and youth from 40 nations, including Norway, participate in weekly exercises throughout the year. Through this, a performance is created based on folk music and dance, circus, and children's play from all over the world. Fargespill always focuses on music and art. The activity takes place throughout the year and is both cultural exchange, teaching, inclusion, and artistic product. The methodology's basis is that people can meet as equals through cultural expressions and learn from each other regardless of whether we are large or small and come from different cultures.
Trondheim Adult Education Center, Upper Secondary School (TROVO)
Trondheim adult education center (TROVO) was established in 2018. The main idea behind the center was to bring together the municipal and county municipal training programs for adults through a co-organization and co-location of these two parties. The center serves adult residents with need for counselling and training in basic skills, Norwegian and social studies, primary or secondary education. Employees at TROVO Upper Secondary School contribute to the workshop.
Eivind Nessa Torgersen
Nessa Torgersen is Professor of English Language and Head of Section for English and Foreign Languages at the Department of Teacher Education, NTNU. His research concentrates mainly on phonological and grammatical variation in London, particularly variation and processes of change in vocal systems. He also has research interests in experimental phonetics and phonetic perception, especially models for word processing. Furthermore, he also works with the acquisition of English in multilingual classrooms in Norway and has an ongoing research project on this: Acquisition of English in the multilingual classroom.
Siri Denstad Langlo
Langlo is a union representative in the Union of Education Norway, county Trøndelag. With a background as a teacher in primary school, lower secondary school and upper secondary education, she has a good overview of the field of education. She is particularly interested in the training offered to minority language speakers throughout their education. The Union of Education Norway is a co-creator of the research and development project The Refugee-competent Teacher and Siri is a member of the project management. Siri will also host the workshop.
Rosita Deluigi
Rosita is an Associate Professor of General Education and Social Pedagogy at the University of Macerata, Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, where she teaches General Pedagogy, Community Pedagogy and Intercultural Pedagogy.