Creative Documentary (CreaDoc)

Research Network - Department of Art and Media Studies

Creative Documentary (CreaDoc)

Magnet in the ocean. Photo.
Ctenophora Drifter. Nordic Oil Constellations, 2020. Credits: Elly Stormer Vadseth

This group’s mission is to bridge documentary theory and practice through experimentation. We experiment with theoretical concepts and models to generate new insight into the workings of documentary media in contemporary culture. We engage with creative documentary practices to communicate novel perspectives about the world we live in. At the core of the work conducted at CreaDoc is the idea that creative documentary forms do not only show and tell what has been or what is; they actively shape the limits of the real and push reality to actualise in new ways.

CreaDoc is an interdisciplinary research group where the functions of documentary media are investigated in their intertwinement to, for instance, ecology, architecture, social justice, public policy, historiography, and technology.  

CreaDoc supports the research and creative productions of its members across all documentary media. It hosts symposia, screenings, and workshops, and provides an institutional platform for the development of scholarly and artistic projects.


Ilona Hongisto

Faculty members:

Anna Ulrikke Andersen

Sara Brinch

Igor Devold

Aurora Hoel

Ilona Hongisto

Lukas Wilde

PhD candidates:

Denise Hauser

Samira Makki

Mads Outzen

Elly Stormer Vadseth

Affiliate members:

Amir Bashti Monfared (HiVolda)

Ole Christoffer Haga (Innlandet)





Institutional partners

Institutional partners