Join our Labs

Join our Labs

Student holding a ship design productPhoto: Tony Hall/NTNU

Open Applications

Bachelor and master students at NTNU are encouraged to join our lab activities. The easiest way to start is to browse this portal and read more about each lab, which activities it does, which companies are partners. Lab activities are usually connected to applied research, that is, development of new ship and product design methods and technologies that can benefit the Norwegian industry. The labs have going-on activities during the whole year, so if you get interested in any of them, just contact the professor responsible and see what is available.

Student opportunities at the lab:

  • Research work volunteer
  • Paid Teaching Assistance
  • Paid internship and summer jobs (when available)
  • Participation in national/international conferences and workshops
  • Industry cooperation
  • Credits (studiepoeng praksis) for bachelor and master students
  • Opportunities for guest/visiting students and researchers