Intelligent Systems Lab


Intelligent Systems Lab


The Intelligent Systems Lab is focused on connect the state of the art research on robotics and mechatronics to the students at NTNU and diverse projects with key partners at the Norwegian Industry. The maritime industry is deeply rooted in Norwegian national economics and traditions. The last few decades have seen an increasing interest in developing and employing new interesting and challenging technology for controlling modern vessels and related maritime equipment and performing demanding marine operations. Two general technical challenges are urgent. The first and most important problem is the navigation and control of the vessels in complex dynamic environments; the second is the enormous challenges faced regarding the deck operation. Here, maritime innovation will be our key research focus. We will try to put the efforts to improve the design and operation safety and usability. The development of new maritime machinery systems will offer a novel alternative solution to the above-mentioned problems; furthermore improve the technological level and productivity of the maritime industry.

In parallel, bio-inspired robotic research will be the other focus of our group. We own several state-of-the-art mechatronic systems and robots, including climbing robots, modular robot, and swimming robot, which allow us to test great amount of new research ideas and also provide interesting systems for different levels of teaching activities in our University.

The lab is located at room L103 at NTNU in Ålesund.

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