Research at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering

Research at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering


We conduct research on the total energy chain from resource to customer. We work on how to produce energy which can be used by man and machine in a sustainable way, taking into consideration health, climate changes and available resources. 


Research Groups

Industrial Ecology

Process and Power

Sustainable Energy Systems

Sustainable Energy Systems

Thermo Fluids

Thermo Fluids



ERC Grants

ERC Grants

Several outstanding researchers at EPT have received grants from the European Research Council (ERC):

James R. Dawson has been awarded ERC Synergy Grant for the project Hyrope - Hydrogen under pressure, on how to decarbonize large-scale power generation and aviation. Read about the project in Norwegian SciTech News

Simen A. Å. Ellingsen has been awarded ERC Consolidator Grant for the project WaTurSheD – Small Flows with Big Consequences: Wave-, Turbulence- and Shear current-Driven mixing under a water surface

Jason Hearst has been awarded ERC Starting Grant for the project GLITR - Breaking through: The Impact of Turbulence on the Gas-Liquid Interface

Francesca Verones has been awarded ERC Starting Grant for the project ATLANTIS – Whales, waste and sea walnuts: incorporating human impacts on the marine ecosystem within life cycle impact assessment

Nicholas Worth has been awarded ERC Starting Grant for the project TAIAC – Breaking the paradigm: A new approach to understanding and controlling combustion instabilities


Involved in 16 research centres

FME Battery conducts research on next generation and improved circular sustainable battery technology value chain.

FME RenewHydro aims to develop knowledge and solutions that enable flexible hydropower to support the realization of energy transition and achieve national energy, climate, and environmental goals

FME ZeMe - Zero Emission Metal Production 

FME MarTrans - Norwegian R&D centre for Maritime Energy Transitions 

FME GigaCCS - Norwegian Research Centre of Excellence for Carbon Capture and Storage

FME Interplay - Integrated Hub for Energy System Analyses

FME HydroCen – Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology develops research and education in hydropower technology

FME Bio4fuels – Norwegian Centre for sustainable Bio-based Fuels and Energy develops technology to convert biomass to energy. NMBU – Norwegian University of Life Sciences hosts the Centre.

FME HighEFF – Centre for an Energy Efficient and Competitive Industry for the Future works to ensure that Norway has the world’s greenest industries. SINTEF Energy Research hosts the Centre.

FME NCCS – Norwegian CCS Research Centre will ensure that Norway remains an international leader in CCS. SINTEF Energy Research hosts the Centre.

FME NTRANS – Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies investigates environmentally friendly energy from a social science perspective.

FME ZEN – Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities develops solutions for future buildings and areas.

SFI Metal Production strengthens metallurgical industry through sustainability and resource efficiency.

SFI Smart Maritime works with emission efficient technologies for maritime industry. SINTEF Ocean hosts the centre.

FRIC Fire Research and Innovation Centre works to ensure fire safety

LowEmission Low Emission Research Centre develops new technology and concepts for offshore energy systems and integration with renewable power production technologies

Mini calevent portlet

Events at EPT