offshore landscape with different energy sources and land-based industry and cities. illustration


A project on Integrated Energy Systems on the Norwegian Continental Shelf


Project mission

Our project mission is Energy Forecasting and Utilization across temporal, professional and organizational boundaries for Norwegian Continental Shelf core areas.

The objective of the pre-project in 2023 is to define an NTNU PhD programme from 2024.

Traditionally, oil and gas installations have controlled their own power supply with gas turbine generated energy. We now move into a situation where the energy is increasingly coming from the onshore grid or from offshore wind.

On the one hand, Utsira High is powering up offshore installations from a 200 MW cable via Johan Sverdrup. On the other hand, in Hywind Tampen, wind energy will provide renewable energy to Gullfaks and Snorre. This will supply for as much as 20-30 % of the energy demand depending on the wind conditions.

All in all, the energy system is becoming more integrated into the larger electricity system in Norway. Since there is scarcity of energy and the price of CO2 emissions are high, forecasting, utilization and sharing of energy and information becomes important. Such an energy system must be just and transparent not only for the energy companies but also for the larger Norwegian society.

Report for the proposed PhD programme:

Report for the proposed PhD programme:


  • Image of the cover of the report

    PhD Programme on Integrated Energy Systems on the Norwegian Continental Shelf Read more

About NTNU Energy HUB

Project timeline and Funding

NTNU Energy HUB is funded through the Memorandum of Understanding between NTNU and Equinor concerning their cooperation on the development of sustainable solutions enabling the transition of Equinor to a net-zero emission company by 2050. 

The one-year project will run until the end of 2023. 

Want to be involved?

NTNU Energy HUB is looking for partners, and is always looking for good discussions with others. Drop us a line if you have something to discuss.