Strategies to Mitigate Pressures on Terrestrial Ecosystems from Multiple Stressors (MITISTRESS)

Research project

Strategies to Mitigate Pressures on Terrestrial Ecosystems from Multiple Stressors (MITISTRESS)

We study how terrestrial ecosystems in Norway and the Tibetan Plateau of China response to multiple stressors like land use, land use change, and climate change.

Research activity


Terrestrial ecosystems are sensitive to multiple stressors like land use, land use changes, and climate change, but the combined effects of these stressors on landscape ecology remain largely unexplored. Further, stressors from land use changes are commonly identified as potential trade-offs for ecosystem adaptation in stringent climate change mitigation scenarios. MITISTRESS plans to map land uses and ecosystem stress levels in Norway and the Tibetan Plateau of China to quantify the cumulative effects on ecosystem services under a changing climate. The project will process satellite data, carry out fieldwork in the Tibetan Plateau of China, calibrate and run regional climate and ecosystem models to generate new robust scientific knowledge for the design of land management policies in Norway and China.  

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