Biofuels in deep sea shipping for climate change mitigation (Bio4-7Seas)

Research project

Biofuels in deep sea shipping for climate change mitigation (Bio4-7Seas)

Assessment of the mitigation potential of biofuels for deep sea shipping.

Research activity

LogoThe deep sea shipping sector has unique challenges when it comes to effective decarbonisation, with an expected increase in demand for transport, combined with a need for reducing emissions. Biofuels have been proposed as a potential options for the sector, but more knowledge is needed with regards to the overall climate and the environmental effects of large-scale production and use. A sustainable transition is necessary because the production of biofuels may reinforce the increasing pressure on land and biomass resources from population growth, economic development, and various land-based services.

Bio4-7Seas will apply an interdisciplinary approach that combines leading methods in biofuel systems, maritime disciplines, LCA, and climate science to ensure robust analyzes of the climate impact from the use of biofuels in shipping.