Partners - DiverSea
DiverSea Project Team
DiverSea is led by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
The project brings together 19 partners from 13 countries. Partners span the research, industry,
and nonprofit sectors and share a dedication to impactful engagement with biodiversity of coastal seas.
Trondheim, Norway
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
DiverSea Coordinator (NTNU)
Copenhagen, Denmark
University of Copenhagen
Kobenhavns Universitet (UCPH)
Mol, Belgium
Flemish Institute for Technological Research
Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
Ancona, Italy
Polytechnic University of Marche
Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM)
Lisboa, Portugal
League for the Protection of Nature
Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN)
Barcelona, Spain
Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Comparative Genomics Lab (UPF)
Balearic Islands, Spain
Tursiops Association
Asociación Tursiops (AT)
Izmir, Turkey
Dokuz Eylül University
Institute of Marine Science and Technology (DEU)
Odessa, Ukraine
Institute of Marine Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Porto, Portugal
University of Porto
Faculty of Engineering (UPORTO)
Sofia, Bulgaria
The Big Data for Smart Society Institute
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (GATE)
Athens, Greece
Athens University of Economics and Business Research Center
Research Laboratory on Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability (AUEB)
Gothenburg, Sweden
University of Gothenburg
Department of Marine Sciences (UGOT)
Tiller, Norway
Athens, Greece
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon (NKUA)
Izmir, Turkey
Mediterranean Conservation Society
Akdeniz Koruma Derneği (AKD)
Accra, Ghana
University of Ghana
Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (UGa)
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
University of Dar es Salaam
Institute of Marine Sciences
Porto, Portugal
Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Industrial Partner (INEGI)