Call for abstracts

Call for papers

We are pleased to announce that we have opened for abstract submissions to the 12th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation.

When deciding the detailed program, we will strive for the same balance between academic conversations and informal dialogue as the organizers of the 11th conference in Copenhagen/Malmø in 2022 did. The presentations of the papers with following discussions will be engaging and fun. The conference becomes what we make it – together!

Performance under complex conditions

Construction economics and organization are challenged to bring sustainability and increased value creation into projects. This will require performance on a higher level in a time when the situation in society seems to offer more challenges, complexity, and uncertainty than ever. It challenges the decision makers on projects, professional planners and designers, contractors, and suppliers – and even the researchers.

We welcome papers on construction economics and organization. Examples of themes and cases we will involve with during the conference:

  • World Ski Championship in Trondheim 2025. This example illustrates performance on all levels; individual, team, project – and even on a societal level through engaging people in a fabulous event.
  • The idea of sustainability as based on the three pillar thinking – environmental, societal and economic – is under pressure by increased awareness of complexity brought by societal risks, increased demands for resource effectiveness, and disruptive new technological breakthroughs. All of these need consideration for sustainable project development.
  • Campus development – the conference will be held in the midst of a huge upgrade program for developing NTNU campus in Trondheim, a program that has met all the challenges we could think of and a few more. In a wide sense, the term ‘campus’ does not need to indicate university or even educational functions. Even single building projects are embedded in a neighbourhood, transport system, energy system etc. Even more so is the urban city development.
  • Infrastructure projects become more and more complex – not necessarily due to the increasing size in monetary terms, but through changes in mobility, integration of technical systems, technological advances such as the use of AI and monitoring, organizational involvement of more stakeholders, and with moving goals that are constantly renegotiated.


Submit your abstracts/papers via our submission portal. Please read guidelines below before submitting your abstract/paper.

CREON 2024 submission portal


Maximum abstract length: 300 words

Abstract submission deadline: 15 December 2023


Maximum paper length: 12 pages

Paper submission deadline: 1 March 2024

Paper template & requirements

Paper templates and more specific requirements that authors have to comply with to be accepted for the IOP proceeding can be downloaded from this link:
Download paper template and view requirements

Thus we thank you for downloading the above templates, as it is of utmost importance that your paper follows each and every requirement in the template in order for us to enable this.

You can find simplified instruction for how to do this here:
Download simplified instructions

It is important to follow the IOP template to the point (IOP might refuse publishing if authors they do not follow template accurately). All successful papers will be published in a volume in the IOP Conference Series EES

Paper formatting

  • The maximum permissible pages are 12 in the final format of IOP Science.
  • File to be uploaded: word file of max 20 MB
  • File name: please use a short file name , no author names shall be included in the file name (refers to the first submission)

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: 15 December 2023 (extended)
Abstract notification: 15 January 2024
Conference registration opens: 15 January 2024
Paper submission deadline: 1 March 2024 15 March, 23:59 CET (extended)
Paper notification: 25 March 2024 8 April 2024 (extended)
Final Paper submission: 5 April 2024 18 April 2024 (extended)
Deadline for registration of presenting authors: 10 April 2024
Program ready: 30 April 2024

venue rsb

Conference venue

NTNU Gløshaugen, Adolf Øien building
Klæbuveien 72
7030 Trondheim

View map on Google

Organisers RSB


Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Creon Network