Reporting unwanted incidents - Comparative Medicine Core Facility
Reporting unwanted incidents
Reporting unwanted incidents
The following problems and situations should be reported in NTNUs system for unwanted incidents:
- Damage/harm to humans, the environment, buildings or property
- Hazardous situations or near-accidents
- Violence and threats
- Violations of routines, procedures or legislation
Link to and information about how to use the system is found here:
NTNU's reporting system for unwanted incidents
IMPORTANT: For more serious incidents and all personal injuries, notify head of facility and your leader as soon as possible, in addition to using the reporting system.
For external users experiencing unwanted incidents, please contact the staff immediately for assistance.
The facility has local SOPs for the most common incidents. These are to be followed immediately after the incident, and are found under HSE.
Reporting unwanted incidents - not related to HSE
The facility has a local reporting system for unwanted incidents not related to HSE. Examples of such incidents are unexpected animal mortality during research projects, problems when using anesthesia systems, failure to follow local SOPs not related to HSE. The reports can be made anonymous if necessary.