Mastering your student life


Student working on his PC. Photo
Photo: Victor Kleive

Mastering your student life

Mastering your student life is about more than identifying the optimal study techniques. It is how to manage being a student all over. Life at university might be challenging for some. To make your time as a student easier and enjoyable, you need to feel good and thrive both at campus and off campus.

Balance and planning

Most of us need a good balance between work and leisure time to thrive. Making an overview of how you spend your time may help you structure your daily life and become more efficient. Make the plan specific and realistic, and remember to add breaks and leisure activities. Read more about planning in the site of study habits below.

Study habits


Motivation is important to accomplish your goals. If your motivation gets low, try to remind yourself why you started this study programme. Find the connection between your subjects and your personal interests. Map what you want to do in your working life and the opportunities this education can provide. Do not wait for motivation to happen, but start the work and let the motivation catch up with you. So get started: if you manage to decide for a work session of 10- 15 minutes, you have taken the first step! Get an overview of the syllabus, create small and achievable objectives and vary how you work. Expectations from others may be a source of motivation, so why not arrange study groups with fellow students.

Learn more about concentration and focus in the video with English texting.

The Social Life

Feeling good socially is good for motivation. Try to get to know fellow students. Set up meetings and work together with the courses and assignments if possible. This is a great way to start working and may contribute to new perspectives. Moreover, it is pleasant as well!  Maybe you want to make new friends or find interesting leisure activities in one of  NTNU’s many student organizations. The University is a great place to meet people that share the same values and interests as you. Do try to include other (and maybe less extrovert) classmates to take part in your study group.

Get the most out of student life

Student life is much more than studies. If you get involved in activities besides your studies, you can both learn new things and have fun! You also get to know yourself better. The cities where NTNU have campuses have a lot to offer, check out student life in Trondheim, Gjøvik and Ålesund.

Students meeting. Photo
Photo: Victor Kleive


Employers are often interested in your involvement besides your studies, and volunteering might increase your chances of landing a job. Check out student organizations at NTNU.


Summer jobs and part-time jobs

Work experience is helpful when applying for a post-graduate position. Find part-time jobs, summer jobs or partners for academic collaborations in our job portal, NTNU Bridge. The advantages with work experience during your studies are that:

  • You show involvement besides your studies.
  • You develop skills that might be relevant for post-graduate jobs.
  • You get work experience and learn more about yourself and what you want.
  • You can get contacts that can be useful later in your career.
  • Potentially future employers get to know who you are and your competence.
  • You get knowledge about working life and opportunities in the job market.


Networking could result in better post- graduation opportunities in a fast changing job market. For one, you will get in contact with new people during your studies, e.g. fellow students, lecturers and business representatives. You can also build a network through volunteering, part-time jobs or academic collaboration with external businesses. Your contacts can provide career opportunities for you, so let them know how you can contribute. Bear in mind that the best way of building a strong network is to support others in return.

You can also build network through LinkedIn or other social media. Follow companies, groups or people that interest you. Show engagement and dare to share your knowledge, and get noticed! Read more at Tips for Job seekers.

Do you want to make contact with former NTNU students?  As a NTNU Alumni member, you can benefit from their experiences. You can apply for the opportunity to shadow one alumni at work for a day. Job Shadowing is a unique opportunity to see how your future workday might look.

This might interest you

This might interest you

Student counsils and organizations

Student life in Trondheim

Student life in Gjøvik

Student life in Ålesund

Career Fairs at NTNU

Job portal NTNU Bridge

NTNU Alumni


Frivillig is connecting volunteers with volunteering organizations (website in Norwegian).

Get involved

Get involved!

Meet Tyler Stewart, student at NTNU and former president of the International Student Festival in Trondheim, ISFiT.
Student organizations like ISFIT give you the opportunity to grow beyond the confines of your degree and make friends outside of your discipline. Get involved and take every opportunity the town has to offer!

Counselling at NTNU

Counselling at NTNU

The student adviser at your study programme is your primary contact for questions regarding your studies.

If you want to talk to someone about other subjects, i.e. special needs accommodation or physical or mental health, please find an overview of all counselling services at NTNU in the link below.

Student guidance at NTNU


 Contact 

Contact for employers:

NTNU Bridge

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