Manage your studies

Students in a class. Photo
Photo: Victor Kleive

Manage your studies

Higher education is about increasing your professional skills or knowledge, as well as enhancing your personal development. Now you have the opportunity to learn more about the field that interests you. So consider how you learn best and what you want to learn.

Reflect over what you want out of your education and what is important for you when entering working life. Make connections that might last a lifetime.

Study habits

Study habitsGo to study habit tips page

Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU

Exam Tips

Mastering student life

Mastering student lifeGo to page for mastering student life

Photo: Victor Kleive

E-courses mastering white


Find following e-courses about managing studies on our sites (English texting):

Syllabus overview 

Make plans and organise your time

Concentration and focus

Studying at NTNU

Studying at NTNU

International student Yue Pen from China is talking about studying at NTNU




Counselling at NTNU

Counselling at NTNU

The student adviser at your study programme is your primary contact for questions regarding your studies.

If you want to talk to someone about other subjects, i.e. special needs accommodation or physical or mental health, please find an overview of all counselling services at NTNU in the link below.

Student guidance at NTNU


 Contact 

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