Center of Assessment in Medical Education (CAME)


Center of Assessment in Medical Education (CAME)

Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU

CAME works with evidence based education to improve learning outcome for medical and health science studies.

  • Our work is based upon the principles of testing, spacing and interleaving.
  • We have been assessing the students often and at regular intervals to examine these principles.
  • We do this on a large scale, with almost all medical students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • In order for this to be viable, the process will be as automated and digitalzied as possible.

  • We are dedicated. We work in collaboration with people who have a burning passion for education in medicine and health sciences. We will continue to do so.


Our work is founded on principles that have a basis in the solid research carried out in the educational field over the past few years.

You can read more about them here.

Test yourself

On our Facebook page we regularly post questions relevant to exams in medical school, in addition to information about the project. For the time being, the questions are posted in Norwegian only.

Link to our Facebook page 


We are currently working on the distribution of adaptive formative progression tests, the organization of student driven formative OSCE-exams and the implementation of our chosen workplace based assessment form (Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise) for medical students at local hospitals in Central Norway.

Read more about each project below:

Contact us

Contact us

Tobias Slørdahl - Leader, CAME
Employees of CAME

MTFS, del 1
Olav Kyrres gate 9
7030 Trondheim

Follow us on Twitter

Formative testing of progression

Mini Clinical Evaluation Excercise