Principles - CAME
Our principles
At CAME we work by the principles of testing, spacing and interleaving. Educational research points to these as important for student learning. We want to examinate if these principles are important for the learning of students of medicine, and if a education programme governed by these principles will increase both the quality of the curriculum and student satisfaction.
Retrieval of information promotes long term learning. Several studies has examined the effect of testing, but more studies are needed to confirm this effect on a larger scale, outside of the laboratory. We wish to do this at CAME.
The curriculum at NTNU in Trondheim is currently organized with many learning activities within the same subject during one week. Several studies have concluded that learning activities in intervals, with several days spacing in between, result in better learning. Will this apply to the medical study programme as well?
Today, the curriculum of the medical study programme is divided into units, taught in series - two weeks of kidney diseases, three weeks of blood diseases, one week of cancer etc. What if you conducted learning activities in the three units above in parallel over the course of six weeks instead?