Marine Bioacoustics and Ecology Lab

Marine Bioacoustics and Ecology Lab

– Acoustic studies of the marine environment @ NTNU

2 photos. Whale on the water surface and photo of exotic fish. Photos

Research activity

Research in the Marine Bioacoustics and Ecology Lab is focused on ecological studies of highly exploited and endangered marine species. We use acoustic tools to answer ecological, population-level questions relevant to the management of animal resources, mainly fish and cetaceans. We also conduct research on noise and the effects of anthropogenic noise on marine life.

Current projects

    ​Studies of cetacean distributions and noise impacts in the Adriatic Sea
    JPI Oceans funded consortium to study the impacts of offshore wind farms on marine ecosystems
    JPI Oceans funded ​​​​​consortium to study the links between behavioral and physiological impacts of sound in marine animals
    ONR-funded study of PREy and Cetacean In Situ Ecological time-series in southern California
  • SeaSounds
    HORIZONS MCSA-funded doctoral network to train the new generation of scientists for innovating marine soundscape characterization to effectively mitigate ocean and sea noise pollution
    Horizon Europe Twinning project that seeks to revolutionize deep-sea research by making ARDITI (Madeira, Portugal) into a global hub for deep-sea research, development and innovation, through partnershps with GEOMAR (Germany) and NTNU (Norway)

Past projects

    ACoustic CUe RATEs for passive acoustic density estimation
  • Impact of seismics on fish behavior in the Gulf of Mexico
  • WhaleSafe
    Technology-based mapping and analysis tool displaying whale and ship data, with the goal of helping to prevent fatal ship collisions with whales