What is Biology?
What is Biology at NTNU?
What is Biology at NTNU?
The word biology is derived from the greek words /bios/ meaning /life/ and /logos/ meaning /study/ and is defined as the science of life and living organisms. An organism is a living entity consisting of one cell e.g. bacteria, or several cells e.g. animals, plants and fungi.
Aspects of biological science range from the study of molecular mechanisms in cells, to the classification and behaviour of organisms, how species evolve and interaction between ecosystems.
Biology often overlaps with other sciences; for example, biochemistry and toxicology with biology, chemistry, and medicine; biophysics with biology and physics; stratigraphy with biology and geography; astrobiology with biology and astronomy. Social sciences such as geography, philosophy, psychology and sociology can also interact with biology, for example, in administration of biological resources, developmental biology, biogeography, evolutionary psychology and ethics.
Studies in Biology at NTNU
Studies at the Department of Biology
Research in Biology at NTNU
Research at the Department of Biology
Research Areas in Biology at NTNU
- Animal Physiology
- CBD - Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (SFF/CoE)
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Environmental Toxicology
- Marine Sciences
- Multiscale Biology
More information about the Department of Biology
More information about studies and research at The Faculty of Natural Sciences.
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