Innovation and training of PhD candidates at NTNU AMOS

Innovation and training of PhD candidates at NTNU AMOS

The motto of NTNU AMOS is to nourish a lively scientific heart, thus giving sustainable value to society. The Centre strives for scientific excellence and at the same time aims to generate a culture of innovation and value creation, all according to our values: excellence, generosity and courageousness.

NTNU AMOS has several innovation areas (see Figure below), the most important one being our collaboration with the industry. In addition to the NTNU AMOS’ partners Equinor, DNV, SINTEF Ocean and SINTEF Digital, NTNU AMOS cooperates with the a number of companies and research institutes.

In addition, NTNU AMOS gives advice to governmental agencies within marine science and management, contributes to new methods and technology for research, and creates its own spin-off companies.

Innovation figure

NTNU Ocean School of Innovation

NTNU Ocean School of Innovation

In 2014, the NTNU AMOS School of Innovation was founded.

NTNU Technology Transfer AS (TTO) has had a vital role in developing and organizing the innovation school along with the Centre’s management team.

Many PhD candidates have participated in the school’s courses and innovation lunches since then.

The concept was so successful that in 2016, the NTNU AMOS School of Innovation expanded and changed its name to NTNU Ocean School of Innovation, which now also includes the Centres for Research-Based Innovation (SFI) Exposed, Move, Smart Maritime and SAMCoT. 


Innovation activities

Innovation activities at NTNU AMOS 2013-2023:

NTNU AMOS spin-off companies: 8
Projects for the commercialization/verification of technologies and licensing agreements: 4
Patents at NTNU AMOS: 5
Courses by NTNU AMOS/Ocean School of Innovation for NTNU AMOS PhD candidates: 8
NTNU AMOS Innovation Lunches for NTNU AMOS PhD candidates: 8

NTNU AMOS spin-off-companies 2013-2021:

SentiSystems AS

Norwegian Subsea AS

Eelume As

Blueye Robotics

Scout Drone Inspection AS

UBIQ Aerospace AS


Skarv Technologies AS