Course - Advanced Product Simulation - TMM4250
TMM4250 - Advanced Product Simulation
Examination arrangement
Course content
The analysis procedures and methods for engineering design including: dynamic solution using implicit and explicit time integration, eigenvalue solutions for frequency response and buckling. Static non-linear response and unstable collapse. Corotational and Total Lagrangian formulations. Large strain expressions. Interactions and contact analysis. Elements: continuum solid elements and structural elements including shells and beams.
Learning outcome
Knowledge: The theories of structural analysis using numerical methods and procedures.
Skills: be able to conduct simulation for structural engineering problems using FEA tools such as ABAQUS and be able to identify and define applicable methods and abstraction for the problems. Be able to assess the results and draw conclusions.
General competence: Ability to report and present analyses, analysis results and conclusions.
Learning methods and activities
Lectures, calculating problems, work in teams using FE-programs. Project teams are established at the beginning of the semester. The lectures and exercises are in English. As the teaching is given in English the Examination papers will be given in English only. Students are free to choose Norwegian or English for written deliveries.
Further on evaluation
When re-taking one does not need to redo parts that are earlier passed.
If there is a re-sit examination, the examination form may by changed from a home examination to an oral examination.
Recommended previous knowledge
The fundamental topics of mechanical engineering including materials technology, statics and dynamics. The course is open only for students who take specialization project.
Course materials
Information is given at the start of the semester.
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Second degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Language of instruction: English
Location: Trondheim
- Technological subjects
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering