Course - Identity-Based Cryptography - TM8111
TM8111 - Identity-Based Cryptography
This course is no longer taught and is only available for examination.
Examination arrangement
Course content
The course will be given every second year, next time autumn 2024. Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) is a kind of public-key encryption in which the public key of a user is some unique information about the identity of the user that is publicly known (e.g. the user's email address). The idea was first proposed by Adi Shamir in 1984, and it appeared particularly attractive since there is no need to acquire an identity public key prior to encryption. Interestingly, an implementation of the idea was not given until 2001. Today, it is a vibrant field of research, as it is considered an alternative to the classical PKI infrastructure.
Learning outcome
A. Knowledge: After having completed the course, the students shall have obtained basic knowledge of the principles and methods which are employed in Identity Based Encryption (IBE): the security models, security proof techniques, different implementations, as well as some of the inherent problems that accompany this type of cryptographic schemes.
Learning methods and activities
Lectures, colloquiums and discussions.
Compulsory assignments
- Final report
Further on evaluation
Two parts provide the basis for the final grade in the course, a final report and an oral final exam that count for 40 and 60% of the final grade, respectively. The final report shall be based on the course material and on the latest articles on identity-based encryption published on ePrint. The final oral exam includes a presentation of the final report and answering oral questions. The course is graded to passed/failed. The minimum passing grade is 70/100 point (70%).
Recommended previous knowledge
Master's degree in ICT with emphasis on information security.
Course materials
1. Introduction to Identity-Based Encryption, Luther Martin, ARTECH HOUSE, INC, 2008, 2. Identity-Based Cryptography, Edited by Marc Joye, Thomson R&D, France, and, Gregory Neven IBM Zürich Research Laboratory, Switzerland, IOS Press, 2009, 3. Identity-Based Encryption, Sanjit Chatterjee, Palash Sarkar, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 Latest papers posted on Cryptology Eprint Archive
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Doctoral degree level
Language of instruction: English
Location: Trondheim
- Safety and Reliability
- Telematics
- Technological subjects
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology