
TIØ4911 - Strategic Purchasing and Supply Management, Master's Thesis


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Master thesis
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Master thesis 100/100

Course content

The student is expected to write a scientific report on a theme relevant to the main profile of the student. Included in this task is to find and read relevant literature, choose a research design and a relevant methodology, and to use these methods in their project.

Learning outcome

The function and position of the course: The course represents the concluding scientific work, and is taken in the 10th semester of the MTIØT program. The thesis work is obligatory for all students. Knowledge developed in the course: - Specific and detailed knowleege about one particular area within the main profile area of the student. - Knowledege about how to do scientific research, including knowledge about research design and methodology. Skills developed in this course: - Practical use of research methodology - Ability to understand what literature is relevant to a scientific problem, and to search for and employ this literature in a reasonable way - Ability to write a scientific report.

Learning methods and activities

The student is expected to write a scientific thesis that satisfies the formal requirements for being counted as a scientific work. The thesis is first and foremost a chance to develop the ability to structure the student's work time and to work independently with a large scientific project. There are also requirements regarding the students ability to choose a relevant methodology and to follow this methodology through to the end. Finally, the student is expected to see what sort of literature is needed in order to solve the challenges in the thesis and to find and read this literature. During the work with the thesis, a member of the scientific staff is available to supervise the work and be a discussion partner, and to help the student with important choices. The supervisor is also, in cooperation with the student, expected to decide what the theme of the thesis should be.

Required previous knowledge

The student must have taken all obligatory courses within the main profile of Strategic Purchasing and Ssupply Management, including the Specialization course and the Specialization Project. In addition, the practice requirements need to have been completed.

Course materials

Is adapted to the theme of the individual student.

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  30.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  SPRING 2025

Language of instruction: -

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Technological subjects