Course - Road and Railway Engeneering, Master Thesis - PK6902
PK6902 - Road and Railway Engeneering, Master Thesis
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Master thesis
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Master thesis | 100/100 |
Course content
The first step in the work on the master's thesis is to find a main theme for the thesis. Since, as a general rule, the thesis must be written at the candidate's own place of work, based on issues or activities in their own business, it may be wise to involve the immediate manager in the discussion around the choice of main topic.
In order to be assigned a main supervisor at NTNU, the main topic must be clear. The candidate attaches a description of the problem when the application for admission to the master's is submitted. After choosing the main theme and assigning a supervisor at NTNU, a more detailed thesis text/problem is prepared in collaboration between the candidate, local supervisor and main supervisor. This is then set up in a master agreement which is signed by all parties.
Learning outcome
After completing the master's thesis, you must have developed the ability to carry out an independent research project. This involves insight into scientific working methods and academic writing; constructive and critical assessment of literature, reflected choice of method, data collection, analysis and dissemination.
Learning methods and activities
The master's thesis is a self-study, where the candidate receives support from the supervisor to formulate a problem and get through the writing process. Before starting, the candidate must attend a master's seminar where practical information is given about literature searches, references, writing a thesis, deadlines etc.
The course is part of NTNU's continuing education portfolio, and has a tuition fee. See our portal for continuing education, NTNU Videre.
Compulsory assignments
- Godkjent masteravtale og gjennomført veiledning
Further on evaluation
The master's thesis must be submitted in NTNU's examination system Inspera Assessment.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Road, Railway and Transport Engineering (MVEGJERNB)
Recommended previous knowledge
The courses included in the master's program are designed on the basis that you have work experience from road and rail in the public or private sector. When you have completed eight courses, you can apply for admission to the master's thesis.
Required previous knowledge
Completed bachelor's degree in relevant technological subjects and two years' practice in relevant technical subjects. In addition, you must have completed eight courses that can be included in the student's specialization within the experience-based master's degree in road and rail. The candidate himself must ensure that he has taken eight subjects (at least four main subjects, one of which is compulsory) before registering to write a master's thesis.
Course materials
The candidate must find relevant literature themselves. A supervisor at NTNU can be helpful in recommending books/articles.
Version: 1
30.0 SP
Study level: Further education, higher degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: -
Location: Trondheim
- Technological subjects
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Department with administrative responsibility
Section for quality in education and learning environment