
MM8200 - Aluminium Technology: Extrusion and Forming


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Work
Grade: Passed / Not Passed

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Work 100/100 A

Course content

Fundamental theory of plasticity, and applications to metal forming (slab method, bound techniques, plane strain slip line solutions). Mechanical characterization and constitutive modelling for metal forming. Formability of thin-walled sheets and sections (strain-hardening, anisotropy, strain localisation, damage evolution, shear fracture, forming limit diagram FLD). Extrusion of aluminium sections and advanced forming of extrusions such as stretch-bending, hydroforming, and incremental forming of thin-walled aluminium sections. Analysis of forming processes, such as flow analysis, friction modelling, tools and dies; loads, variability, optimalisation. Innovations in the aluminium extrusion value chain from billets to final components towards carbon-neutral and intelligent production systems.

Learning outcome


The course shall give the candidate knowledge on: Basic theory of elasticity and plasticity; equilibrium; compatibility; constitutive equations/models; forming mechanisms and influential parameters; analysis methods; friction and friction models; thermal effects; accuracy and dimensional capability of end product; industrial factors that affect the interplay between product and forming process; knowledge based choice of suitable solutions and parameters; forming related problems within the scope of PhD subject of candidate.


The candidate shall master the following: Apply basic plasticity theory for establishing analytical/numerical solutions for forming problems within extrusion, forging and/or forming of thin-walled profiles and sheets; understand the practical aspects of the interplay between tools, elastic-plastic deformation and product properties (quality) for different aluminum forming processes; skills for establishing representative models (FEA, analytical) for forming processes: perform simplified calculations for more effective and correct evaluation of critical aspects related to metal forming; provide the basic capabilities for evaluation of validity of results obtained by numerical methods (FEA), along with understanding the effect of various parameters.

General competence:

The candidate shall on general basis: Be capable of collecting information and research results from various sources; establish a strategy for own research based on needs and gaps; identify and systematically solve research related problems; communicate and disseminate results from own and others research through reports and other media; view her/his own research in a wider perspective than the academic one.

Learning methods and activities

  • Half the course is given as lectures and exercises. The other half of the course is an individual semester project. The student selects a topic of his interest in the field of metal plasticity and forming processes related to the material behaviour of aluminium alloys, aluminium extrusion, its downstream processes, such as forming, ageing. The course contents will be adjusted and customized to the participants as required, based on the participants’ interests and PhD topics.
  • The course project that is highly relevant to participants’ PhD topics is worked on throughout the semester. A project report needs to be submitted 2 months after the last lecture/workshop. The report is recommended to be formed as a scientific paper, and encouraged to be published in conferences/journals under the supervision of the lecturers afterwards. To pass the course a score of at least 70 percent is required. The report counts 100 % on the grade.
  • The course will only be given if there is a sufficient number of students who have the course as a part of their obligatory course work, or if the need for this course is appropriate.

Further on evaluation

'Pass' grade requires the project report to be delivered 2 months after the last lecture/workshop and approved.

For a re-take of an examination, all assessments during the course must be re-taken.

Required previous knowledge

Mechanics 1 and 2 or similar.

All students taking this course must be enrolled in a PhD program at NTNU or a different university.

Course materials

Select articles and scientific books within aluminum technology and metal forming.

Credit reductions

Course code Reduction From To
DIO2009 7.5
More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Doctoral degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: English

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Technological subjects
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering