
DCST1002 - Cyber security and teamwork


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Portfolio
Grade: Passed / Not Passed

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Portfolio 100/100

Course content

  • Cyber security terminology and history.
  • Legal and ethical issues in cybersecurity.
  • Vulnerability in digital infrastructures.
  • Identities, authentication and authorization.
  • Human aspects of cybersecurity.
  • Basic threat profiling and risk analysis.
  • Future visions for a more secure digital society.
  • Team collaboration, team building and team development.
  • Work contract and conflict prevention.
  • Project as a form of work (establishment, implementation, administration and control)
  • Written and oral presentation.
  • Copyright.

Learning outcome


  • K1: The candidate can explain how to establish and carry out projects
  • K2: The candidate can explain different models for team collaboration and team development
  • K3: The candidate can explain the most used concepts in cybersecurity and the subject's most important historical development
  • K4: The candidate can explain how vulnerabilities in digital infrastructures can arise and how the most common vulnerabilities can be counteracted


  • S1: The candidate can convey subject matter effectively orally and in writing, obtain information to shed light on issues, and safeguard copyright in their communication
  • S2: The candidate can carry out and document teamwork and reflect on their own professional practice and develop this based on feedback from others
  • S3: The candidate can carry out basic threat profiling and risk analysis
  • S4: The candidate can use tools to protect identities against common security attacks

General competence

  • G1: The candidate can plan and complete tasks in team
  • G2: The candidate can give constructive feedback to others
  • G3: The candidate can explain societal vulnerability as a consequence of cybersecurity challenges

Learning methods and activities

Lectures, teamwork with and without supervision, project work, problem solving individually and in groups, lab activities.

Further on evaluation

The portofolio consist of different assignments and a project, both are done in groups.

The assignments consist of six submitted groups works which are delivered within the stated deadlines. Feedback and opportunities for improvement are provided.

For the project the assessment basis is the group's final report and individual reflection note. Individual assessment of the project can be given.

Final assessment is given after the whole portofolio is delivered. All the assignments and the project must be passed in order to receive a grade in the course.

In the event of voluntary repetition, fail (F) or valid absence, the entire portfolio must be retaken in a semester with teaching.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Digital Infrastructure and Cyber Security (BDIGSEC)

Course materials

Given at the start of the course.

Credit reductions

Course code Reduction From To
IDRI1002 3.7 AUTUMN 2019
IMT1003 3.7 AUTUMN 2019
IIKG1001 2.5 AUTUMN 2019
DCSG1002 7.5 AUTUMN 2019
INFT2001 5.0 AUTUMN 2020
IIKG3000 5.0 AUTUMN 2021
More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Foundation courses, level I


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: -

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Computer Science
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Computer Science