April 3 - THz electron paramagnetic resonance generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry, Bloch equations and superconvergence rules in the frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility.
Friday Physics Colloquia
Friday Physics Colloquia
The Friday Physics Colloquia at the Department of Physics are open to all. An important goal for the colloquia is to be a meeting place between faculty and students to learn about interesting developments in physics.
Undergraduate students are especially encouraged to attend. Speakers are asked to keep the talks at a level targeting a master student in physics.
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Speaker: Prof. Mathias Schubert, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Lund University, USA.
Time: 14:15-15:00.
Place: R9 Realfagbygget.
Title: THz electron paramagnetic resonance generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry, Bloch equations and superconvergence rules in the frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility.
Host: Prof. Morten Kildemo, Nanophotonics and Polarimetry group, NTNU, Trondheim.
Abstract: A new optical technique is presented to detect the signatures of electron paramagnetic resonances in materials at terahertz frequencies and high magnetic fields using generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry. Measurements dispense with the need for modulation techniques and resonance cavities. The elements of the normalized Mueller matrix are determined, which contain hitherto undetected information about the polarization, frequency, and field response of unpaired electron spin moments including nuclear magnetic coupling. Approaches to model analysis of the frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility tensor are discussed, Bloch equations are revisited, and an analogue to the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relationship is shown from theory and experiment.
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