mtp - laboratories - trolllabs


In time of technological and social discontinuities, the capability of a company to generate radical new products, services and systems becomes critical. TrollLABS is the start of a research project aiming at understanding the development of radical new ideas in the very early phases of product development - the early fuzzy front end.

TrollLABS is run by Professor Martin Steinert. In this video, you can watch one of his publications turned into an animated movie. The video illustrates TrollLABS' main interests

TrollLABS is a research and prototyping laboratory, established fall 2014. The lab is located above the Product Realization Lab, with a selection of specialized machinery available to the lab users.

Work at TrollLABSPhoto: Geir Mogen

The laboratory has the following equipment:

  • Powerful workstations with CAD/CAE/CAM software
  • Hardware / Mechatronics
  • Powerful laser cutter / engraving machine (Gravograph)
  • Roland MDX-540 4-xis CNC-mill
  • Ultimaker2 3D-printer
  • Stratasys Alaris Objet30 3D-printer
  • Blueprinter 3D-printer