ISA8001 - Disability: inclusion or marginalization
Course content
The course addresses key issues related to inclusion and exclusion, marginality and diversity, deviations and social problems - both specifically for the disabled and more generally. One will go into and discuss key theoretical approaches and perspectives, political developments and more. The specific content of the course may vary from time to time, and may, for example, focus in particular on specific arenas (eg inclusive working life), international developments, the importance of CRPD, people in need of comprehensive services or similarities and differences across different groups that risk marginalization. Details about the specific content are provided when announcing the time for carrying out the course.
When: The course will be a hybrid course of digital and physical presence. It will be digital on April 28th, 29th and 30th and on campus on May 5th and 6th, 2025.
Where: Teams and University of Helsinki. The course will be held as a pre-event course for the Nordic Network in Disability Research- NNDR conference 2025
Before the course starts, we want you to prepare a proposal for an essay topic. The proposal should be approximately 800-1000 words and submitted by email to no later than April 18th, 2025. This proposal will be shared with participants in the course, and we will discuss it during the course. After the course, you will write a final essay of around 4500 - 5000 words. You can choose a topic relevant to disability and inclusion and exclusion that can be appropriate for your PhD thesis.
Please familiarise yourself with the syllabus before the course (it will be announced). The course will be highly participatory. Most learning will occur through small group activities, including brainstorming, reflecting, discussing, presenting, critiquing, planning, and writing. The course atmosphere will encourage everyone to participate equally. The workshop will help the participants think more rigorously and improve their ideas.
Scientific course coordinators
Prof. Marianne Hedlund, NTNU, Norway.
Prof. II Arne H. Eide, (or, NTNU and SINTEF, Norway
Course collaborators
1. Prof. Hisayo Katsui, Helsinki University, Finland
2. Ass. Prof. Kristina Engwall, Uppsala University, Sweden
3. Prof. Leslie Swartz, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Program (note that minor changes may occur)
Admission requirements
To be admitted to our PhD courses, you must have completed your master’s degree or equivalent education.
You apply to PhD courses via NTNU Søknadsweb, and upload required documentation (diploma etc.).
NTNU students and PhD students admitted to PhD programs at NTNU apply for admission by registering for class via NTNUs studentweb.
Information about PhD courses for external candidates
NTNU Søknadsweb for external candidates
Application deadlines for Ph.D. courses at NTNU: February 1st for courses held in the spring semester, September 15th for courses held in the fall semester. If the application deadline has passed, please contact directly.