Leading transitions: Co-create a sustainable future

Leading transitions: Co-create a sustainable future

A sustainable future requires multiple transitions and will undoubtedly necessitate different ways of working. During the transitioning process, new sets of rules and theories are continuously being formed in the intersection between social and technical systems.

Future leaders from both public and private sectors, therefore, need to be able to deal with complexity, find solutions for sustainability and lead in a constantly changing context.

This research initiative aims to develop knowledge and skills that are important for entrepreneurs, private industry, and public sectors to build strategic resilience under uncertainty, to innovate for society, and to co-create a sustainable future. 

Key research areas include:

  • Sustainability transition management 
  • Strategic resilience under uncertainty
  • Change management, innovation management and strategy.
  • The roles of start-ups, entrepreneurs and change agents in transitions
  • Ecosystems studies (including entrepreneurial, innovation and territorial)
  • Policy and mechanism analyses
  • Techno-economic studies
  • Cross-cutting themes for transition management, such as digitalization, responsible innovation, SDGs, etc.

Main activities are:

  • PhD projects and research projects across research groups
  • Externally funded research applications and projects with domestic and international partners
  • Seminars and workshops 
  • Development of learning material for existing courses at IØT, and aim of establishment of leading studies on the management of sustainable change