Entrepreneurship ecosystem

Parties and Services

Parties and services involved in innovation and business cooperation. Together they form our «entrepreneurship ecosystem», a loosely knit system of benefactors, services, courses and experts who promote innovation and entrepreneurship at NTNU. 

Entrepreneurship ecosystem

Support services and investors

  • 6AM: Accelerator for knowledge-based start-ups, offering funding, networking and incubator space in central Trondheim. 
  • NTNU Discovery: Provides support for development, verification and quality assurance of ideas and projects that have the potential to be commercially viable.
  • NTNU Technology Transfer AS: Works to create value from research at NTNU, in the form of new products or services that benefit society.

Students and Innovation

  • Spark* NTNU: Free guidance and regular follow-up for students who want to develop an idea. Page in Norwegian.
  • Start NTNU: Student organization that works to inspire students to try their hand at innovation and entrepreneurship. NTNU in Gjøvik and NTNU in Ålesund have their own Start associations. Page in Norwegian.
  • FRAM: The students’ own centre for innovation is a meeting place for existing communities of innovation and inquisitive newcomers. Page in Norwegian.
  • Venture Cup: A national business plan competition for students. Also credit-bearing subjects in business development. Page in Norwegian.
  • Humanities in the Workplace (HiP): Students at the Faculty of Humanities use their academic competence in the world of work through a period of practice in businesses and public-sector organizations. Page in Norwegian.
  • Experts in Teamwork (EiT): Interdisciplinary teams of students work to find solutions to issues presented by stakeholders in business and the public sector.
  • NTNU Bridge: A service linking students and employers through collaborative engagements, practice and recruitment to the workplace.

Clusters, Centres and Forums

  • Trondheim Tech Port: Trondheim Tech Port is a member-based organisation working to increase Norway’s innovation output. In addition, Trondheim Tech Port is working to establish Trondheim’s Innovation District, in connection with the Campus development project ongoing in the Elgeseter gate area. 
  • CIP – Center for Intellectual Property: CIP provides a platform for the promotion of research, education and collaboration based on the strategic management of intellectual assets and property. The center is currently jointly governed by Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg, and NTNU.
  • DRIV NTNU Health Innovation Arena: Contributes to closer contact between students, researchers, employees in and users of the health service, in addition to other working and business life.
  • Research centres and EU collaboration: Research centres such as the Centres for Research-based Innovation (CRIs) and for Environment-friendly Energy Research (CEERs) as well as research programmes generate many new ideas and projects that benefit society in the form of products and services.
  • Cluster collaboration - NCE, GCE and ARENA clusters: Constellations that encourage increased innovation and collaboration between businesses, research and educational environments, and public-sector players.
  • Business networks: Forums for collaboration between academic environment at NTNU and business to strengthen educational activities at the university.

Studies and Network



Pro-Rector for Innovation

Pro-Rector for Innovation Toril A. Nagelhus Hernes leads NTNU’s efforts to promote innovation, and is responsible for maintaining strategic collaborative relationships with businesses and industry on a regional national and international level. 

Vice-Rector in Gjøvik 

Vice-Rector in Gjøvik Gro Kvanli Dæhlin represent and position NTNU as an institution for regional working life.

Vice-Rector in Ålesund

Vice-Rector in Ålesund Anne-Lise Sagen Major represent and position NTNU as an institution for regional working life.

The Innovation Managers

Strategic Programme

NTNU Strategic Programme for Knowledge-Based Innovation (SKI)

The programme includes innovation managers who will contribute to turn more research into benefits.