
Offshore wind power gains international momentum

Hywind Scotland. Photo: Equinor

Norway needs to take proactive steps to retain its lead in developing floating offshore wind, says NTNU professor Erin Bachynski-Polić in Norwegian Sci-Tech News.

Will develop a scalable offshore electrical power supply system for ships

The Horizon Europe-backed BlueBARGE project seeks to revolutionise the maritime sector by offering renewable-generated electricity to anchored ships, writes the European Commission in a news release.

The Ocean Technology Day - programme is launched

What are the competences needed in the future ocean industries? Outlooks from the industry, the department - and the next generation. 

AMOS collaboration in scientific report in Nature

The fish ability to accelerate and suddenly turn in fast manoeuvers, is the title of the scientific report featured in Nature from March 23 2022, with researchers from Sapienza University of Rome, Harbin Engineering University in China and NTNU AMOS.

Norway-US partnership on higher education and research in offshore wind (NUWind)

Hywind vindturbin utenfor Karmøy. Foto: Amir Nejad

Hywind demo - the first floating wind turbine in the world. Photo: Amir Nejad

NTNU and the University of Maine establish a new partnership in higher education and research for strengthening the development of next generation offshore wind infrastructures (NUWind).

Moan-Faltinsen Best Paper Awards 2022

Mojtaba Mokhtari at IMT NTNU received the Moan-Faltinsen Best Paper Award on Marine Structural Mechanics/Dynamics.


Marintekniske dager 2022 - program

March 16-17th Department of Marine Technology invited the maritime industry to a lunch-to-lunch seminar - Marintekniske dager (MTD) with strong speakers and a nice 3-course dinner the 16th - the same week as Mannhullet celebrated its 105 years jubilee. 

Ocean Space Centre has a new name

Part of Fløy B - with the ocean bassins. Illustration: Link Arkitektur / Statsbygg

The new name will be Norsk havteknologisenter in Norwegian and Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre in English. 

Floating solar can cover the worlds need for energy entirely

Flytende sol. Illustrasjon: KasperPindsle /

Floating solar island can both produce power and reduce water evaporation from water reservoirs. 

Sharmin Sultana defended her thesis

Sharmin Sultana portrait. Photo: Live Oftedahl

November 8 Sultana at DynSoL AS defend here thesis about "Process Safety and Risk Management using System Perspectives A contribution to the chemical process and petroleum industry"

Companies day at IMT

Fullt hus på Moholt på Bedriftsdagen. Foto: Live Oftedahl

The students in the third year of our five year master program arranged Bedriftsdagen - Companies Day October 20.

Lorenzo Balestra defended his doctoral work October 20

Lorenzo Balestro potrait.

The thesis is about «Design of Hybrid Fuel Cell/Battery Systems for Maritime Vessels».

We need a coastguard under water

Illustrasjon av arktiske marine operasjoner. Illustasjon: Bjarne Stenberg

The Nord Stream sabotage last week gives us a call for better surveillance subsea. 

Worlds first autonomous city -ferry open for public use

Milliampere 2 Foto: NTNUThe worlds first autonomous city-ferry, milliAmpere2, started a three week trial operation in Trondheim September 21.

Carlos Souza defended his thesis about floating wind.

Carlos Souza portrait

September 8 Souza gave a trial lecture and defended his thesis.

IMT summer school

IMT gave a four-week summer school in Ocean Engineering for 12 Japanese students and engineers.

Debate about a sustainable ocean economy and Ocean Space Centre at Arendalsuka

Watch the debate on YouTube. (In Norwegian.)

Podkast om offshore vind på Teknisk sett / Podcast about offshore wind - Teknisk sett

Erin Bachynski-Polić (right) with the journalists. Photo: Maren Agdestein

Hvor langt har vi kommet med å løse utfordringene med flytende havvind og konstruksjoner? lurer Teknisk Ukeblads journalister i podkasten Teknisk sett. / How far is it till we have solved the challenges regarding floating wind and constructions?

Podcast om flytende soløyer / Podcast in Norwegian about floating solar

Trygve Kristiansen in the middle. Photo: Maren Agdestein

Hva ville skjedd om man klarte å dekke mellom 5-10 prosent av verdens eksisterende vannreservoarer med flytende solceller? / What would happen if you covered 5-10 percent of the existing water reservoirs in the world with floating solar?

Kate Crosman blog: Home of the Northernmost magic

My first expedition to Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, was about observing, absorbing, and participating in big data collection in action. The trip was months delayed due to the pandemic. And it was absolutely magic.




3–5 June MIR Annual Symposium will be in Trondheim (Marine and Maritime Intelligent Robotics)
4 – 5 June EMRA Symposium (EU Marine Robotics and Applications)
October: The Ocean Technology Day (date to be decided)


March - Ocean Space Race is paused
17 April - The Ocean Technology Day
May - Ocean Week is postponed till next year
20 September Symposium - Future Perspectives on Marine Hydrodynamics and Structural Mechanics


March 9–10: Ocean Space Race
March 20 Trondheim Tech Port Conference - Themes - Bridging the Gap, Futuristic oceans
May 2–4: Ocean Week


Mini calevent portlet

PhD defence at IMT