Equipment - Electron Microscopy Lab
JSM-840A Scanning Microscope. Photo: Per Henning/NTNU
Equipment and User Manuals
Equipment and User Manuals

Sem A (JSM 840) (PDF)
LV-SEM Sem Sælandsvei (Hitachi S-3400N) (PDF)
LV-Fe-SEM (Zeiss Supra 55 VP) (PDF)
Fe-SEM (Zeiss Ultra 55 LE) (PDF)
EPMA (Jxa-8500F) (PDF)
EDS, EDAX Gernesis (Ekstern lenke)
Tem (JEOL, JEM-2010) (PDF)
Fishione Plasma Cleaner, EM sample cleaning (Ekstern lenke)
Agar Turbo Carbon Coater, SEM sample coating (Ekstern lenke)
Fischione Ion Mill, TEM sample preparation (Ekstern lenke)
User Quick Start Guide (short manuals) - No password required
(PDF files)
Lab General rules | User Attentions
User Manuals (PDF) - Password protected
All PDF files are Password Protected and Copyrights belong to original firms.
These files are used only for EM Lab users; Please contact Lab staff for password