project - Open Science Toolbox

Open Science Toolbox

The Open Science Toolbox is a project funded by the Norwegian National Library, and is a collaboration between the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Stavanger (UiS) and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (HINN). The main objective of the project is to develop a toolbox comprising information and educational resources as well as support aimed at libraries, to aid in the development of support services for Open Science at research libraries in Norway.


There are increased expectations and requirements regarding open access to research publications and data, from research communities as well as funders, and the role of the academic libraries at universities in this context is essential. The toolbox will support other academic libraries, of different sizes and with different needs as well as resources, to develop new services for Open Science in the library. This includes everything from basic information about Open Data that can be integrated with the library webpage, to more extensive documentation of information resources related to the research process, copyright and licensing, data curation and metadata. The focus is on meeting the immediate need of libraries in developing research support for research data management and documentation. In addition, we want to further the development of the social mission of the academic libraries in making knowledge publicly available.

Projects - Open Science Toolbox - Contact

The project group:

Project coordinator: Ilaria Canova Calori | NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket
Ane Gabrielsen |  Ingrid Heggland | Henrik KarlstrømSølvi Karlsen | NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket
Linda Johnsen | Universitetet i Stavanger
Endre Aas | Høgskolen i Innlandet

Projects - Open Science Toolbox - Collaborators



logo: NTNU


logo:Universitetet i Stavanger


logo: Hogskolen i Innlandet


Funded by

logo: Nasjonalbiblioteket