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libraries - hhit - collections

Illustration collections at Trondheim Business School

In the library you can find books, journals, newspapers and syllabus literature. Use the search field at the top of this page to find literature from the library’s collections.

More information on how you can borrow, order and renew

Subject databases

Here is a selection of databases in economics and management.

The library has a wide selection of databases covering most subjects.
All the databases the library subscribes to can be found in Oria. Read about how to use the library’s databases

Here you will find:
relevant journals in Finance
relevant journals in Accounting and Auditing
relevant journals in Economics
relevant journals in Economis, Administration and Management

You have access to these on campus or via VPN.

Do you need guidance in using the financial databases? 
(Eikon (Datastream) and WRDS(with CRSP, Compustat and CCM)).
Come to The Economics and Management Library on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 14:00.

Student assigments / NTNU Open

In NTNU Open you will find master`s theses, doctoral theses, scientific articles and other Open Access publications.

In The Economics and Management Library we have printed books of master theses, until 2017.

Books / E-books

The Economics and Management Library has a large collection of books and encyclopedias within our subject areas. In addition, we have a wide selection of e-books in most subject areas.

You can find the books by searching in Oria and tweak your results by material type books or e-books. You have access on campus or via VPN.

More information about how to use e-books from the library.

Journals / articles

The library has a selection of journals in paper subscriptions, for example:
* Revisjon og Regnskap
* Samfunnsøkonomen
* Stat & Styring
* Magma.

You will find journals and articles in Oria. You can also find articles by searching our subject databases.


Here you will find:
relevant journals in Finance
relevant journals in Accounting and Auditing
relevant journals in Economics
relevant journals in Economis, Administration and Management


We also recomend BrowZine.
You can easily stay up to date in your field, for example Economics:

  • Create your own library of journals
  • Get notification when new issues are published in jour journals
  • Download articles in PDF
  • Save articles
  • Send articles to reference management tools such as EndNote
  • Share articles via email or social media      

                    Create a BrowZine account


The library has as selection of newspapers in paper subscriptions:
* Adresseavisen
* Dagens Næringsliv
* Financial Times
* Finansavisen
* Klassekampen.

These are stored until two weeks.

The library also gives you electronic access to Norwegian and international newspapers and newspaper databases.

In PressReader you can read a wide selection of international newspapers from today's date and three months back in time.

The National Library of Norway makes Norwegian newspapers available in its newspaper service. Here you will find information about the access rights to these. Ask The Economics and Management Library if you have questions regarding this.

Atekst Media archive from Retriever. The archive contains the original editions of Norwegian national, regional and local newspapers as well as a multitude of magazines and magazines. There are also some news sources from the internet.

FACTIVA gives you access to journals and news from thousands of newapapers like Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde and El Pais.

You also have access to a large number of newspapers in ProQuest One Business.


You have access on campus or via VPN.
Do not hesitate to ask The Economics and Management Library if you have questions.

21 May 2024

libraries - hhit - contactbox


Economics and Management Library

Klæbuveien 72, Trondheim
Phone: +47 73 55 99 55
E-post: okonomibib@ub.ntnu.no
Postal address: S P Andersensvei 11, 7031 Trondheim


Opening hours

Monday–Sunday: 06:00–24:00 (with NTNU access card)

Library staff present:
Monday–Thursday: 1​​​​0:00–18:00
Friday: 1​​​​0:00–15:00

The virtual library - get help from the NTNU University Library


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