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Relief, art libraryPhoto: Nils Eikeland/NTNU

The library collaborates with The Academy of Fine Art on exhibitions and events.

Open Academy

The Academy of Fine Art organizes the "open academy" every year in mid-December. The entire Academy is then open to the public for four days, including one weekend. The library is also open during this period.

Artists' Books

Whenever the Academy arranges Artists' Books workshops, each workshop is concluded with an exhibition of students' works in the library. Exhibitions are open to all.

Scholarships and Grants

At the end of each academic year art students will be awarded grants, including BKH (The Relief Fund for Visual Artists). The event takes place in the library.

Mini calevent portlet


At present, there are no upcoming events.

libraries - art - contactbox


Fine Art Library

Innherredsvn. 7A, (6.et.)
Phone: 73 59 79 19
E-mail: kunstbib@ub.ntnu.no


Opening hours

Unstaffed and open for students at KiT:
Monday-Thursday: 07:00-24:00
Friday: 07:00–15:30

Library staff present:
Monday–Thursday 10:00–18:00
Friday: 10:00–15:00

The virtual library - get help from the NTNU University Library.

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