libraries - abd - events

Picture of an exhibition at the library

The Architecture and Civil Engineering Library works on exhibitions in the library in partnership with the academic community.

In the display case outside the library, we show what our collections can offer in connection with activities in the exhibition corridor of the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art (AB).

We have also established ‘Arkbib-torget’, an informal meeting place in the library for events related to our subjects, with lunchtime presentations and other contributions from the academic groups with which we work.

These events are free, and usually they are open to everyone who is interested.

Would you like to communicate your research to a wider audience? Do you have an idea for an exhibition? You are welcome to get in touch with us.

Practical information on how we can help you to communicate your research to a wider audience

03 Jan 2022

Mini calevent portlet


libraries - abd - contactbox


Architecture and Civil Engineering Library

Sentralbygg 1, Alfred Getz' v. 3
Phone: +47 73 59 50 92


Opening hours

Monday–Sunday: 06:00-24:00 (with NTNU access card)

Library staff present:
Monday–Thursday: 1​​​​0:00–18:00
Friday: 1​​​​0:00–15:00

The virtual library - get help from the NTNU University Library

Follow the library on social media:

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