Art creates new forms of insight, experience and cognition. Art interprets and forms social communities and is a central element in the development of commitment and social awareness. Through the PhD program in artistic development work, you can immerse yourself in performing and creative art and contribute to the development of the field through reflection on your own practice.
The PhD-programme in Artistic Research gives you the opportunity to specialize in the creative and performing arts such as music, fine art, architecture, design, theatre and film. The programme is interdisciplinary and interfacultary. The programme also offers the opportunity to specialize across disciplines through interdisciplinary artistic projects.
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A PhD is a three-year degree based on a master's degree or other equivalent education. The programme consists of a coursework component of 30 ECTS and an artistic doctoral work consisting of an artistic result, documentation and a critical reflection.
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A PhD is the highest level of formal education in Norway and qualifies you for leading work in business, administration, higher education, and research.
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